May 2

My ex is not holding up their end of the bargain in our divorce, now what?

Many clients fail to realize that courts handle issues that arise at every stage of divorce - including defiance of divorce court orders. There are legal measures that are available to everyone in family court to hold your ex responsible for failing to hold up their end of the bargain.

divorce exA few examples include:

  • An ex who fails to meet his/her child support or alimony obligation
  • An ex who refuses to adhere to a court ordered visitation schedule
  • An ex who enters your home without permission or harasses you

You have the right to have the matter heard before a judge. You or your attorney must file a motion with the court addressing the specific issue/order to get relief. It isn’t fair to live without the money you need to care for your children or go without seeing your children because you believe you have no legal recourse.

Many clients believe they are stuck living with the consequences of a defiant ex because they don’t feel they can afford an attorney or they fear repercussions from their ex. The truth is, however, suffering without cause will continue as long as utilizing the court is delayed.